Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Sleep is for the Weak.

I'm not quite sure when it happened, or why it happened for that matter, but I've come to the conclusion that I really don't need to sleep. Why bother sleeping when I can be awake? Being awake is so much more fun. You can squeal and talk and roll onto your tummy again and again and again. And then when you don't want to be on your tummy anymore and forget how to get back, you can scream and cry and Mommy or Daddy will flip you over! And then you can roll right back onto your tummy! The best time to be awake and play on your tummy is between the hours of midnight and 4:00am. Last night I decided to stay awake for the entire four hours! I thought it was great, but Mommy and Daddy were less than impressed. Daddy looked kinda sleepy heading out the door for work at 7:00 this morning....

I can be a real cute sleeper when I want to though... just look at this shot taken a mere hour before last nights fun started!!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Got my Sippy!

Yesterday Mommy took me to the store and together we picked out my very fist sippy cup! It is green and blue! This morning Mommy let me drink some juice from it! (I don't usually get to drink juice, but apparently this is magical juice that helps you "go"..)
At first I wasn't sure what to do with the sippy and I tried to eat it. Then I realized you had to suck like a bottle. Mommy held it for me until I got the hang of sipping from it. Then she let me hold onto it all by myself with the handles! At first I wasn't getting any juice, and Mommy showed me that the cup has to be tilted. After I got the idea, I did pretty well at using my sippy all by myself! Mommy had to intervene from time to time and get me back on track when I forgot what to do, but she said she was really proud of me and how I was able to use my big boy cup!! Before you know it I won't even need the sippy lid!

Yesterday I also got to try apricots. (They are mixed with apple sauce and very yummy!) At the store we bought some peas for next week... I'll let you know how green vegetables taste...

My teeth are still hurting me and I'm not getting much sleep. Neither are Mommy and Daddy... they look pretty sleepy lately. I may have to give them a rest one of these nights. Daddy got me some teething tablets yesterday. I'm not sure if they even work. But if it makes Mommy and Daddy happy, I'll go along with it for now!

Today's picture is my using my very first sippy cup for the very first time!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

If Daddy drinks from a cup, so can I!

Ever the adventurer, yesterday I decided to try my hand at drinking from a cup! I've watched Mommy & Daddy do it and it really doesn't look so hard. Looks like you get to drink a lot more than milk too! So as Daddy drank some water, I made my saddest "I want some" eyes, and reached for that cup. I got excited, even flapped my arms and kicked my legs to show him that I meant business. Mommy & Daddy laughed and thought I was cute. I wasn't trying to be cute. I really wanted some of that water from a cup! Finally Daddy gave in and let me sip out of his cup. I was a natural! The water was pretty cold though, so I was only allowed a couple sips. When Daddy took the cup away I cried in protest! But to no avail. Luckily he proceeded to distract me and I soon forgot!

Later in the day I was having a bottle because Mommy was at work, and I was getting silly and not wanting to finish it. So Daddy had a brainstorm! He took of the lid and let me drink the rest of the milk straight out of the bottle like a cup!! I feel like such a big boy when I do this... I heard Mommy say something about getting me my very own sippy? I'm not sure what that is, but if it is like a cup, I'm in!!

Also, for those of you following my food consumption, you should know I have been eating carrots for the past few days! Today I am going to try apple & apricots... the apple I've had before. Next new veggie is supposedly going to be green...

Today's picture is me looking adorable as ever, dressed as a wee pirate! HYARRR!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Look at me GROW!!

I thought it was about time for an update on my latest feats! Let's begin with the most exciting event in recent days (Friday to be exact). As you can see from the attached picture, not only am I rolling over every chance I get (especially during diaper changes) I am now rolling over onto my knees and trying to crawl! Mostly I just get up on my knees and plow forward with my head on the ground, but I am moving!! (Just a tiny ways, but moving nonetheless!) In the spectacular shot you see here, I am also up on my strong little arms! I haven't quite mastered this yet, but I'm sure it's only a matter of days!

I have also graduated to size THREE diapers!! They are different than my N, 1 and 2 diapers. They are way bigger, and have different pictures on them. The insides are blue instead of white... I'm really not sure why. Mommy says when I was really little she got a sample size 3 diaper in the mail and looked at it and laughed thinking it would sure be a looooooong time before I fit into it... apparently that time has come. Faster than Mommy thought it would I think....

I also wanted to let everyone know I am now eating squash as well. It's very yummy. I'm not picky. I like all my fruits and veggies so far. Mommy & Daddy say next I get to try carrots. I'm getting kinda bored of all these orange veggies though... maybe they'll throw something green into the mix soon. I think I also heard something about peaches coming up soon....

This picture is of me and Daddy... I'm such a silly guy, just like Daddy as you can see in this picture. I love to play it up for the camera ;)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

My First Trip to the Park!

Today Mommy & Daddy took me to the park! It was nice and sunny out and I got to ride in my stroller like a big boy... minus the car seat! It was a nice walk, then we played for a bit by the pretty trees in the park. Then I fell asleep on the walk home. Then once we got home Mommy & Daddy chatted with the nice old lady across the street. She told me how cute I was and tickled my cheeks, so I made flirty eyes at her and gave her one of my heart melting smiles. Old ladies really dig me... so anyways, here are some pictures from my trip to the park!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

My Best Friend is 5 Months Old Today!!

This blog entry is dedicated to my best buddy Khai who is five months old today!

Khai has been my best buddy since we were born. He was born on Friday the 13th and my Daddy is jealous! Even though he lives really far away, in a different country, we have so much in common. We have the same toys, like Mr. Gloworm and our snake guy. I have Tubsy McWhiskerson and he has Tubsy's brother Slim McWhiskerson. We go through the same things and conspire together to trick our Mommy's and get up to no good. Khai even made me some tough guy jammies for Christmas!! Maybe one day our Mommy's will get their acts together and win the lottery so we can hang out in real life. For now I will have to settle for our late night secret planning sessions, our blog conversations and the fact that our Mommy's email each other like 50 times a day. Also... I've just discovered that Khai is also a Ladies Man!! He has a shirt to prove it, just like me!!

Happy Five Month Birthday Khai!!!!

Today's picture is of course... my bestest buddy Khai!

Teeth, Rolls & Beeps

Where to begin? It has been a big 24 hours for me!

I am getting my teeth! Last night I was cranky and just didn't want to go to sleep at bedtime, so Mommy & Daddy looked in my mouth and discovered two little white teeth lines in my bottom front gums! Man, those little teeth can really hurt! Mommy & Daddy gave me some tylenol and a cold chewy thing from the freezer and let me hang out with them until I got sleepy around 11pm. I guess getting to stay up waaaaay past bedtime is a perk of teething!

Then this morning, while playing in my exersaucer, I beeped the little beepy-button TWO TIMES!! I did it once before, but mostly by accident. Today I was full of intent and purpose. I set out to accomplish this one task, and I did it! Mommy clapped and cheered and kissed my face and danced around like a crazy lady. She said I was the smartest boy ever!!

If this wasn't enough, I also decided, today, to roll all they way from my back to my tummy for the first time ever!!! I mean, I've toyed with the notion before... rolling from back to side, leaning over, reaching for toys, but never quite committing to going all the way over. But today I just wanted Tubsy McWhiskerson so badly, I did the full roll! Poor Mommy missed it because she was in the kitchen for a moment. When she came out and saw me on my belly with Tubsy she freaked out again! It was a way bigger freak out than the button pushing incident... she is totally nuts. Then she got on the computer and told Khai's Mom all about it... NOW I'VE DONE IT AGAIN! From my back to my tummy, and then.... get ready... BACK OVER ONTO MY BACK!!!! Mommy is about to have a fit!!!!

So that is what I've been up to since last night. A lot for one little guy, huh? Not for me. I'm crazy like that. Today's picture is me looking at my best friend Khai's photos online. I am such a smart boy... Mommy is right.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Day or Night? It doesn't matter. I'll party when I want to!!

That's right. I'm only 5 months old, but every now and then I like to stick it to the man! The man being Mommy & Daddy. Like the Beastie Boys said... you gotta fight for your right to party! And last night my friends... that is just what I did.

Despite the time change I went to bed at my usual time, thanks to some serious schedule maintenance enforced by Mommy. All was well. Mommy and Daddy watched some TV and gathered their sanity from about 8pm - 11pm, then headed to bed. I woke up around 11:45 to have some food and a cuddle with Mommy. This is when I threw them a curve ball. Instead of drifting peacefully back to sleep for a few more hours, I began to look around. I opened my eyes wider and wider, until it became quite apparent to Mommy that she was not going back to sleep any time soon.

It was a glorious victory for babies everywhere. I hung in as long as I possibly could... Mommy and Daddy fed me, rocked me, changed my diaper, pumped my legs, rubbed my tummy and back, tried to cuddle me into sleep...but I was a trooper. I was wide awake, I was talking, I was smiling...I was invincible! I carried on until 2:00am or so!! Finally I succumbed to Mommy's snuggles and back rubs and drifted off for some sleepy time.

I felt slightly bad this morning, so decided to let Mommy have an extra hour of sleep and got up at 8am instead of 7am like usual. Although in the long run all that really means is that I am still an hour off of my schedule and it will be like yesterday all over again!

I hope this story will inspire you other babies out there...from time to time you gotta remind Mommy & Daddy who is REALLY in charge...

Today Mommy will post a pic of me playing in my diaper yesterday.

Friday, March 9, 2007

I Can Stand!!

Yup. You read it right. I can stand. Mommy stands me up beside my excersaucer, I grab hold... and I stand. All by myself. Sometimes I even let go of everything and continue standing for a moment! I started doing this on Monday and Mommy was amazed. She thought she would have some warning, that this would not happen quite so soon... but I am one amazing little man. I am continually surprising Mommy and making her cry happy tears.

I can also sit up all by myself now. Before it was only for a moment, then I would TOPPLE! Now I can sit for a loooong time. I also love grabbing my feet now, especially when Mommy changes my diaper! The second my feet are out of their socks or sleeper, I grab hold and won't let go! When Mommy pries them out of my grabby little hands to get my diaper on I cry until she gives them back. I LOVE my feet. They are very cute ;)

I love playing with all of my toys and eating them as well. If I drop one, I pick it right back up! If I see a toy I want that is out of my reach, I wriggle around and reach for it and grab it! Nothing can stand in my way! When Mommy puts me on my tummy I pretend like I'm swimming and try to crawl... soon enough I will, I'm really starting to get the hang of this moving the arms and knees thing...

I also like to help Daddy on the computer. I particularly like hitting the keyboard, clicking the mouse and drooling on it. Today I helped by closing what Daddy was working on! I am a very funny little boy!

I also expanded my big people foods once again. I now eat rice cereal, yams, apple sauce, bananas and oatmeal cereal!! Next Mommy says we're going to try avacado!!

Mommy is super happy I'm keeping this blog. She says things happen so quickly she can hardly keep track. Every day I do something new.

Oh, and I'm also learning how to kiss & hug. As soon as Mommy or Daddy scoops me up I hug my arms around their neck. I'm getting to be a good kisser too... when Mommy asks for kisses and leans in I open my mouth wide and hang out my tongue. I like giving super sloppy drool kisses, and Mommy likes getting them. I also like to caress faces... I'm the sweetest cuddler around.

I'll have Mommy attach some pictures of me taken today. Eat your hearts out ;)

Monday, March 5, 2007

Mommy's Birthday

Yesterday was Mommy's Birthday! She is officially ANCIENT! She says she has no idea how this happened... when she was pregnant with me she was only 25! And then when she had me, she was only 26... now suddenly she's 27 and all grown up.
I thought I would get her a special cake to make her day! I had the lovely people at Dairy Queen personalize it. It had a picture of a little devil on it... because I can be a devil at times hehe. A cute devil though!
Daddy bought party hats and him and I modeled them for Mommy. She couldn't help but take a bunch of pictures since we're so cute.
Today's picture is Daddy and I in our party hats!! Look how excited I am!!

Saturday, March 3, 2007


I'm not sure why Mommy seems so darned excited about this, but I figure it's got to be worthy of a quick blog entry at the very least since she is so happy about it. Last night I was a very good little man and spent the ENTIRE night in my own crib. (Usually I make Mommy take me to bed and proceed to monopolize the entire area, kick and squirm and make sure no one gets any sleep. Not to mention the fact that I like to throw 3am parties and have a good ol' time squealing up a storm!) I figured after 5 months Mommy could use a half decent sleep (the lack of sleep is definitely starting to show... and let's face it, I want a pretty Mommy, not a baggy eyed weeping Mommy) so I slept in my own crib. I did wake up three times to eat and have a Mommy cuddle through the night, but went back to sleep in my bed like a good boy. This morning at 7am when I woke Mommy up, she was all smiles! She kissed me all over my face and said I was the best little man ever!
Today's picture is me looking super super cute a few days ago.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Mommy got a tattoo!

Yesterday, I was the most well behaved baby in the whole wide world! I went out at 1pm all the way to 7:15pm with out crying!! I'm such a good boy and I'd love to see another baby try that record. I also made up for it at 3am this morning though. I gave my Mommy and Daddy a headache like no other haha!! Oh man, so funny. You should have seen them cry. Anyways, back to what I was originally talk'n about...
Mommy went to get a tattoo on her back all for me! Its a really cool traditional swallow with a banner that holds my name. She's so awesome! Look, here's a picture for your viewing pleasure!
That sucker dad of mine had to carry me and entertain me the whole time we were there. Hahah, good times. You should have seen him moan in pain on our way home. He was a good Daddy though cause he took me to English Bay for the first time. It was really pretty...I mean cool (Dang Daddy and his fem words, they're rubbing off on me). Anyways, Daddy is going in for his tattoo tomorrow and I'm not sure if I'm going but I wanna cause I wanna see him pass out and cry. I'll update you tomorrow if I did go or not. Bye!!