Saturday, June 30, 2007

Stair Climbing

The final of my three part video series! Stair climbing!

Now I'm off. I'm sick with an ear infection and I'm simply not a happy boy these past couple days.

Enjoy the video!

Play Ball!

My latest activity is playing ball with Mommy! She throws me the ball and I throw it right back! (Sometimes I like to make Mommy work for the ball so I throw it sideways hehe!)

Friday, June 29, 2007


Tilt your computers and enjoy a video of me saying Babababa!! It's meant to be sideways. Really.

Home from vacation!

Well I've finally arrived back home, safe and sound in Vancouver. Mommy& Daddy took me across the country to Ontario to visit with Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Dave and a lot of other people! I got to meet my Great Grandparents too! It was really hot there. I got to fly on an airplane TWICE! (It gets pretty boring having to sit still in Mommy's lap though...)

I have lots of pictures, even a few videos that Mommy will put up for me. Lots of exciting things happened on my trip...I did lots of new stuff and met lots of new people, even some friends my own age!

This is a picture of me flirting with the flight attendant. I charmed everyone around me on the plane. They all said what a good, cute, wonderful little boy I was ;)

Here is a picture of me in Port Hope, showing off all FOUR of my teeth! That's right... I got 2 new teeth on the top the day after we arrived.

The other things I learned are on video... Mommy will post them soon. But if you are curious they are:

I learned how to say Baa baa baa baa. That's right. "B" sounds. My first consonant!!

And the big news... I can crawl up big flights of stairs! We don't have stairs in our apartment, but Grandma let me climb hers, and it turns out I'm pretty great at it! I climbed the stairs 4 times, but then got tired. The video is very impressive!

I got to meet four great grandparents, some cousins (even one who is just a day younger than me!) and lots of Mommy's friends and their babies.

It was a really fun trip, but very busy. I'm a little messed up from the time change and I think I have a cold... I'm not too sure, I've never had one before, but my nose is runny :( I didn't feel very good today and needed cuddles all day long. I'm tired now, so I'll write more tomorrow.

Stay tuned for vacation pictures and VIDEOS!!!!

Friday, June 15, 2007

I Stand Alone.

Ladies and Gentlemen.

Prepare to be amazed.

Prepare to be in awe of the greatness that is Cooper.

Today I stood.


With nothing to hold onto.

I stood not just for a moment as I have done before, but for many moments. Many moments totaling about 30 seconds. I did this not once, but a few times before I became tired and went off for my well deserved mid-day nap.

After I accomplished this wondrous feat for the first time Mommy & Daddy broke out the camera quite quickly. May I present, for the first time captured on film... the amazing, standing COOPER!! (Insert applause here.)

(FYI... Mommy is writing this for me and is very proud... hence all of the boasting... I am not quite so shameless in my self-promotion!)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

My Cardboard Box House!

As you will see from the pictures, the entire living room has become my play land! Mommy and Daddy have built a giant pen to try and keep me contained! It is made of pillows and couch cushions and toy boxes and laundry baskets and comforters and my favorite... a giant box with windows in it! I like to play peek-a-boo with Mommy using the windows. Also with my animals... especially my sheep. He peeks in the windows at me and makes me laugh!

Poor Mommy & Daddy can hardly get around the living room. They have to detour through the kitchen all day! At night time when I've gone to bed they tear down my wonderland and make the living room into a boring old people's place again... but every morning, bright and EARLY they build it back up for me!

Not that it keeps me entirely contained... I can still escape if I want to, but I stay pretty entertained in there, especially when Mommy and Daddy hang out in my new box-house with me. I'll have Mommy take a picture of me escaping over the barricades... my climbing skills are VERY impressive ;)

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


I thought it was about time Mommy posted an update for me. With all of the sunshine and summer fun we've been having lately it's been hard to find much time for the computer!

Also, I've been away on VACATION for the past 9 days! Mommy, Daddy & I went to visit Oma and Opa on the island! I was there once before for Christmas, but then I was only 3 months old and it was cold, so I didn't get to see the beaches, eagles, airplanes, trails and ocean like I did this time. I even got to put my feet in the ocean for the very first time! I kept trying to sit down though like it was a bath. I love the bath.

We went to a place called Coombs where there is a market that has a roof covered in grass with goats on it! I like goats. I got my picture taken driving a car there too!

I also got to drive through Qualicum Beach which is where Mommy & Daddy got married. It was their anniversary, so I was a good boy and even went to bed at 7pm on the dot.

I had a fun time playing outside lots and spending time with Oma and Opa... and Max the dog. He made me laugh a lot!

My next big vacation is in 2 weeks, I'm going to some place called Ontario to see Grandma and Grandpa and all of Mommy's friends. She says they have babies for me to play with :)

I'll have Mommy put up some pictures from our week in Comox!