Look at me GROW!!
I thought it was about time for an update on my latest feats! Let's begin with the most exciting event in recent days (Friday to be exact). As you can see from the attached picture, not only am I rolling over every chance I get (especially during diaper changes) I am now rolling over onto my knees and trying to crawl! Mostly I just get up on my knees and plow forward with my head on the ground, but I am moving!! (Just a tiny ways, but moving nonetheless!) In the spectacular shot you see here, I am also up on my strong little arms! I haven't quite mastered this yet, but I'm sure it's only a matter of days!
I have also graduated to size THREE diapers!! They are different than my N, 1 and 2 diapers. They are way bigger, and have different pictures on them. The insides are blue instead of white... I'm really not sure why. Mommy says when I was really little she got a sample size 3 diaper in the mail and looked at it and laughed thinking it would sure be a looooooong time before I fit into it... apparently that time has come. Faster than Mommy thought it would I think....I also wanted to let everyone know I am now eating squash as well. It's very yummy. I'm not picky. I like all my fruits and veggies so far. Mommy & Daddy say next I get to try carrots. I'm getting kinda bored of all these orange veggies though... maybe they'll throw something green into the mix soon. I think I also heard something about peaches coming up soon....
This picture is of me and Daddy... I'm such a silly guy, just like Daddy as you can see in this picture. I love to play it up for the camera ;)