Tuesday, March 13, 2007

My Best Friend is 5 Months Old Today!!

This blog entry is dedicated to my best buddy Khai who is five months old today!

Khai has been my best buddy since we were born. He was born on Friday the 13th and my Daddy is jealous! Even though he lives really far away, in a different country, we have so much in common. We have the same toys, like Mr. Gloworm and our snake guy. I have Tubsy McWhiskerson and he has Tubsy's brother Slim McWhiskerson. We go through the same things and conspire together to trick our Mommy's and get up to no good. Khai even made me some tough guy jammies for Christmas!! Maybe one day our Mommy's will get their acts together and win the lottery so we can hang out in real life. For now I will have to settle for our late night secret planning sessions, our blog conversations and the fact that our Mommy's email each other like 50 times a day. Also... I've just discovered that Khai is also a Ladies Man!! He has a shirt to prove it, just like me!!

Happy Five Month Birthday Khai!!!!

Today's picture is of course... my bestest buddy Khai!