Monday, March 12, 2007

Day or Night? It doesn't matter. I'll party when I want to!!

That's right. I'm only 5 months old, but every now and then I like to stick it to the man! The man being Mommy & Daddy. Like the Beastie Boys said... you gotta fight for your right to party! And last night my friends... that is just what I did.

Despite the time change I went to bed at my usual time, thanks to some serious schedule maintenance enforced by Mommy. All was well. Mommy and Daddy watched some TV and gathered their sanity from about 8pm - 11pm, then headed to bed. I woke up around 11:45 to have some food and a cuddle with Mommy. This is when I threw them a curve ball. Instead of drifting peacefully back to sleep for a few more hours, I began to look around. I opened my eyes wider and wider, until it became quite apparent to Mommy that she was not going back to sleep any time soon.

It was a glorious victory for babies everywhere. I hung in as long as I possibly could... Mommy and Daddy fed me, rocked me, changed my diaper, pumped my legs, rubbed my tummy and back, tried to cuddle me into sleep...but I was a trooper. I was wide awake, I was talking, I was smiling...I was invincible! I carried on until 2:00am or so!! Finally I succumbed to Mommy's snuggles and back rubs and drifted off for some sleepy time.

I felt slightly bad this morning, so decided to let Mommy have an extra hour of sleep and got up at 8am instead of 7am like usual. Although in the long run all that really means is that I am still an hour off of my schedule and it will be like yesterday all over again!

I hope this story will inspire you other babies out there...from time to time you gotta remind Mommy & Daddy who is REALLY in charge...

Today Mommy will post a pic of me playing in my diaper yesterday.