My Cardboard Box House!
As you will see from the pictures, the entire living room has become my play land! Mommy and Daddy have built a giant pen to try and keep me contained! It is made of pillows and couch cushions and toy boxes and laundry baskets and comforters and my favorite... a giant box with windows in it! I like to play peek-a-boo with Mommy using the windows. Also with my animals... especially my sheep. He peeks in the windows at me and makes me laugh!
Poor Mommy & Daddy can hardly get around the living room. They have to detour through the kitchen all day! At night time when I've gone to bed they tear down my wonderland and make the living room into a boring old people's place again... but every morning, bright and EARLY they build it back up for me!
Not that it keeps me entirely contained... I can still escape if I want to, but I stay pretty entertained in there, especially when Mommy and Daddy hang out in my new box-house with me. I'll have Mommy take a picture of me escaping over the barricades... my climbing skills are VERY impressive ;)