Friday, June 15, 2007

I Stand Alone.

Ladies and Gentlemen.

Prepare to be amazed.

Prepare to be in awe of the greatness that is Cooper.

Today I stood.


With nothing to hold onto.

I stood not just for a moment as I have done before, but for many moments. Many moments totaling about 30 seconds. I did this not once, but a few times before I became tired and went off for my well deserved mid-day nap.

After I accomplished this wondrous feat for the first time Mommy & Daddy broke out the camera quite quickly. May I present, for the first time captured on film... the amazing, standing COOPER!! (Insert applause here.)

(FYI... Mommy is writing this for me and is very proud... hence all of the boasting... I am not quite so shameless in my self-promotion!)