Sunday, April 29, 2007

My First Tooth!

After week upon week of pure tooth misery my very first tooth decided to poke through on Thursday!! (I know, I know... Mommy is sooooo slow with the updates these days. You'd think she was sleep deprived or something!)
It's my right lower central incisor. (Simply put my bottom middle tooth on the right!)
It is just a sharp little nub at this point and pretty hard to see, especially since I don't like to open up and show it off.
Mommy is always sticking her finger in my mouth to feel it. She's so weird.
No picture of the tooth yet, but I will leave you with yet another picture of me and cherry blossoms. (Apparently cherry blossoms are a big thing here in Vancouver... )

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Spring is great. It's beautiful and warm out and I get to go for lots of walks to the park with Mommy & Daddy.
When I'm not out and about, I've been spending my time perfecting my crawling and moving around skills. I'm pretty good at wiggling and rolling and getting where I want to go. In no time I'll be doing a full on crawl... I can get right up on all fours!
I can walk really fast now too. I hold on to Mommy or Daddy's fingers all by myself and then we walk around. I'm really quick!

I'm getting really good at eating my biscuits now too. I don't mind when the chunks break off in my mouth anymore... I just chew them up! No teeth yet... but that doesn't stop me! Speaking of teeth those darn things keep poking through then going away. I wish they would just make up their minds!

I've also been busy playing with my new toys. I got a new piano and some balls that have different textures on them. Mommy & I like to play the piano to my Raffi CD. (I know, Raffi isn't very cool. Rest assured I also have a collection of CD's called Rockabye Baby that feature the music of such great bands as Led Zeppelin, Nirvana, The Beatles, The Ramones, Bob Marley etc. The songs are done in lullaby music just for babies!)
Also, my final piece of news for today is that last night the Canucks beat Dallas to advance to the second round of the playoffs!!! Mommy & Daddy are so happy that I can't help but be happy too.
Today's pictures are me at the park in the beautiful sunshine!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Catching up...

Last week I went for my six month Dr. appointment. (I was a couple of weeks late.) I was supposed to get 3 needles, but luckily some smart person changed the regulations, and I only had to get 2! (Although the downside is that now I will need 4 shots instead of 3 at my 12 months appointment....but that is a whole 6 months away!) I was a brave boy, but it did upset me a little. What was even more upsetting was the fact that apparently 6 months is too old for stickers! I know I'm a big boy now, but this is ridiculous! I did however get my first big boy bandaids with pictures on them! The nurse said I weigh 15lb 9.5oz now! That means I gained over 3lbs since my last appointment! I am growing like a weed too... I am 27.6" tall! My head is 44cm, whatever that means!

As far as the world of food goes... Since the chicken I have also tried blueberries mixed with apples. They are my favorite so far!! Definitely not orange. It's nice to change it up! Although sweet potatoes are very very yummy too... the biggest news in regards to food is that Mommy now gives me biscuits! Hard ones! That I can feed myself! I had my first one on Wednesday. They are very good, and VERY messy! Mommy keeps a close eye on me because she's such a worrier!

Also, I've started saying "B" sounds... it is my first consonant! Any day now I will say Mama! (Or Dada... gotta give Daddy some hope too!)

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Easter!

Today is my first Easter! I'm too little to enjoy things like Easter Egg Hunts (which Mommy can't wait for!), but Daddy got me a special present. He got me a toy box for all of my toys! Not only did he get me a toy box, but he stained it a nice dark colour and painted a picture on it for me! Now I have the coolest toy box around! I've had Mommy attach a picture of it for you. Tubsy loves living in there!

The next picture is me all ready for our walk today. I'm wearing the cute outfit my great Grandma and Grandpa bought me. It is very fuzzy and warm. We had a nice walk in the warm spring weather :)

Oh, and I should mention that yesterday I started eating meat! I had chicken that is mixed with sweet potatoes! So far it's pretty good. Now Mommy says she is looking into finger food for me! Wow I'm a big boy!

Next week I get needles. I'll let you all know how that goes....

Friday, April 6, 2007

I Know What I Want...

And don't you dare try to take it away from me!

This is me reading my Easter card from Grandma and Grandpa.

And this is how angry I got when Mommy & Daddy took it away from me.

I can have quite the little temper if you make me angry. Ways to make me angry include:
Taking something out of my hands or mouth (especially something that is not mine like paper, or remote controls.) Putting clothes over my head when I am trying to chew on something. Turning off my Baby Einstein when I am cranky. Wrapping me up when it is nap time. Taking too long to get the bottle in my mouth at bedtime.

In other news this morning my excersaucer was moved up to the third and final height setting. My how I have grown ;)

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

My First Summer Outfit!

This is me lookin' like a real big boy in my new summer swim trunks and T-shirt! (Thank you Oma!) Mommy & Daddy bought me a sweet hat too.

Also...the comment settings have been changed on my blog! While I am devastated to have lost my old comments, anyone can now leave a comment without needing an account. So if anyone has messages for me... message away!!

Monday, April 2, 2007

Time Flies...

So last week I turned SIX MONTHS old! I kept telling Mommy to post something about the momentous occasion, but she kept coughing and saying something about being sick. Well, better late than never I suppose....

Six months old. Half a year. I have come a long way in the past six months. I can sit all by myself, I roll and roll like a crazy boy, I can pull myself up, I'm trying my hardest to crawl, my little teeth are slowly but surely making an appearance, I know how to push all the buttons on my toys, I laugh at my videos, I laugh like crazy when Mommy plays the Hi / Bye Cooper game, I can sit up on Daddy's shoulders, I love to play computer with Daddy, I can fall asleep when on my tummy now instead of just screaming to be rolled back over, I eat any fruit or veggies you throw at me (except for the ones I'm not allowed!), I've started wearing 9 month sleepers, I got my first summer outfit this past weekend, I can reach out and grab anything I want, I can hold a toy in each hand and shove them both in my mouth at the same time, I still love to scream my crazy boy happy screams all day, I said a word starting with "G" yesterday, but usually I just say vowel words still, I can ride in my stroller like a big boy WITHOUT the car seat, I enjoy watching channel 2 which is the TV guide channel, I give real good hugs, I love grabbing faces, especially mouths and noses, I give kisses and hold out my arms to be hugged and picked up, I love to hold hands, I have my very own remote control that talks to me in 3 languages, I like to read books with Mommy & Daddy and try to crumple the pages, I love to drink out of a cup WITHOUT the sippy lid, I like to bite everything especially thumbs and fingers (it feels good on my gums!), I always pose for the camera and put on a giant goofy smile whenever someone points it at me, I flirt with all the ladies when I'm out in my stroller, and EVERYONE says what beautiful eyes I have, I still like to sleep with Mommy for at least half the night.... wow, there are a lot of things I like to do! I'm sure there are many more, but you get the idea!

So HAPPY SIX MONTH BIRTHDAY to me!! Before you know it we'll be having my one year Birthday Bash! Mommy & Daddy will go all out I'm sure...

As for the latest... I have a yucky cough that sounds like a barking dog, I have to get needles this week, and I have been waking up about a million times during the night. I think it's because I feel yucky from my teeth and this cough. Mommy is sad that I feel sick and gives me lots of huggles. Daddy too. Hopefully I will feel better really soon.