Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Spring is great. It's beautiful and warm out and I get to go for lots of walks to the park with Mommy & Daddy.
When I'm not out and about, I've been spending my time perfecting my crawling and moving around skills. I'm pretty good at wiggling and rolling and getting where I want to go. In no time I'll be doing a full on crawl... I can get right up on all fours!
I can walk really fast now too. I hold on to Mommy or Daddy's fingers all by myself and then we walk around. I'm really quick!

I'm getting really good at eating my biscuits now too. I don't mind when the chunks break off in my mouth anymore... I just chew them up! No teeth yet... but that doesn't stop me! Speaking of teeth those darn things keep poking through then going away. I wish they would just make up their minds!

I've also been busy playing with my new toys. I got a new piano and some balls that have different textures on them. Mommy & I like to play the piano to my Raffi CD. (I know, Raffi isn't very cool. Rest assured I also have a collection of CD's called Rockabye Baby that feature the music of such great bands as Led Zeppelin, Nirvana, The Beatles, The Ramones, Bob Marley etc. The songs are done in lullaby music just for babies!)
Also, my final piece of news for today is that last night the Canucks beat Dallas to advance to the second round of the playoffs!!! Mommy & Daddy are so happy that I can't help but be happy too.
Today's pictures are me at the park in the beautiful sunshine!