Monday, February 26, 2007

Tubsy McWhiskerson

For those of you who wanted to see my buddy Tubsy McWhiskerson... here he is! He is a good kitty and Daddy is happy we have bonded since Daddy is pro-cat and Mommy is pro-dog. Daddy feels as though this is a small win for his side...


Today I pause to reflect on the fact that I will be five months old on Thursday.

Mommy is constantly telling me what a big boy I'm becoming, how quickly I've grown, and how once I was just a tiny little guy. I humor her by listening to the stories since I can see it makes her a little sad to realize just how far I've come in such a short time.

Just five months ago I was in Mommy's tummy... just a few days away from coming into this great big world. We spent every second together me & Mommy. She was with me for every kick, every punch, every squiggle, even every hiccup! She could hold my little feet even then if I kicked them out hard enough! Mommy was always rubbing me in her belly and singing to me. Daddy would talk to me and play music for me in there. It was a pretty sweet place. I can see Mommy's eyes tearing up as she types for me... you gotta love her.

Just four months and 4 weeks ago I was born. It was a really hard day. Two days actually. It took a long time to get me here and in the end they had the come at me with these giant metal things called forceps that kinda squished my little head. I wasn't sure what to think, it was really bright and cold and loud and there were a whole lot of people around me. I didn't get to see Mommy right away, but Daddy stayed with me the whole time while I got weighed and measured and cleaned up. I was only 7lb 5oz back then, and was bald on the top of my head! Finally Mommy got to see me and she cried. I was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. I had giant dark eyes and I never blinked. Me and Mommy stared at each other for a very long time. Until they put the gunk in my eyes....

I came home three days after I was born and kept Mommy & Daddy BUSY! I made sure Mommy barely got time to shower or even brush her teeth! I cried a lot and stayed up all night. I couldn't help it though... it was a lot different in my new home, I just wasn't used to any of it. We all adjusted eventually though and things became easier for everyone.

Mommy can barely believe that in five short months I've gone from being a tiny tiny guy in her tummy, to a newborn baby with jerking arms who only knew how to cry, to looking around, smiling, cooing, laughing, holding, drooling, babbling, rolling, sitting, hugging... being the best little guy Mommy could ever imagine. Mommy tried to explain to me just how I make her feel and just how perfect her world is now that I am here, but she didn't really have the words. All I know is I must be a really amazing little guy because Mommy & Daddy love me a whole lot.

Anyhow... that is my trip down memory lane (mostly for Mommy's sake!) Next time we will move forward and get back to the business at hand!! Today I have decided to include a picture of me as a tiny tiny guy...although Mommy will likely cry as she posts it ;)

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Yams are Yummy!

So today I was up at 5:30am. It is now 8:00 and I think I will take a well deserved 2 hour nap shortly. I have accomplished my goal of making sure Mommy & Daddy are wide awake and can not go back to sleep. Now I can rest peacefully knowing I have done my job well.

On to the big news of the weekend. Yesterday I delved deeper into the world of big people food. For 2.5 weeks I have been eating rice cereal. While I have found it quite enjoyable, I had this feeling that there was something more out there... something I was missing... and then yesterday Mommy made me some yams. She steamed them and mashed them. They were bright orange! I assumed it would be rice cereal yet again, so made a bit of a shocked face when the yams hit my tongue. Turns out they are quite yummy. Mommy wouldn't let me eat too many though since I have never had them before. Word around here is if I am a good boy and eat my veggies one day soon Mommy will make me some apple sauce. That sounds like some good stuff!!

I also have it on good authority that my best buddy Khai will be getting a blog of his very own soon. I can not wait. Us baby's need an outlet just like the rest of you.

Final piece of news for today, is that I have met a wonderful new stuffed animal friend. My big orange kitty. His name is Tubsy McWhiskerson and he has wonderful whiskers on his face that I caress lovingly while sitting in my chair. He is such a good kitty.

Today's picture was taken only moments ago. It is me watching Baby Einstein's Numbers Nursery. I felt as though there are enough pictures of me in my high chair lately, and a picture of me eating yams would just not be quite as pleasing as this one.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Global Warming is Scary!

Last night Mommy & Daddy rented "Who Killed the Electric Car". That is some scary stuff. Made me angry that evil corporations and corrupt governments are preventing me from growing up in a safer and cleaner world. Also scary is "An Inconvenient Truth" which I heard at the movies while in Mommy's tummy. Really got me thinking. Maybe when I get bigger, in addition to being a rock star, I will also save the world. I dream big my friends. There is nothing I can't do! For now though I am learning the fine art of spoon usage. As you can see in this picture taken yesterday I have made great strides in the world of cereal and utensils. It is only a matter of time before I get around to tackling the problem's of the world....

Saturday, February 17, 2007

What a day, busy, busy, busy.

Today was a busy day. After my morning cereal, Mommy strapped me into the snuggly and off we went to meet Daddy at Granville & Broadway. I was a good boy and decided to sleep on the bus. We met up with Daddy and went downtown to the tattoo shop to drop off some artwork. Mommy loves me so much she is getting my name tattooed on her! We did some shopping downtown and everyone thought I was the cutest baby they'd ever seen - as per usual.

Last night my new highchair arrived! There is a picture of me sitting in it for your enjoyment. I think I have what it takes to be a highchair model. I ate in it last night for the first time, it was goodtimes.

Last night I decided I did not want to sleep in my crib (I rarely do, it is lonely). I slept with Mommy and gave her a good arm thrashing from about 5am on. (I keep my eyes shut and pretend I am doing it in my sleep. Tricky.) I'm off to get a fresh diaper and then drool, so I'll talk to you later. Lata!

Friday, February 16, 2007

My Very First Blog!

Today is the first day of my blog. Today is a good day. I ate 2 whole tbsp of rice cereal! I got a lot on my face and it was fun. Last night I almost rolled all the way over from my back to my tummy. I mastered the whole tummy to back thing weeks ago! I'm also getting pretty good at sitting up ALL BY MYSELF! But sometimes I go toppling and Mommy has to catch me. This past week I've learned to pick up my pacifier when it falls and then switch it from hand to hand and once it's facing the right way I put it in my mouth all by myself! Mommy is a little sad that I'm becoming such a big boy so very quickly. I think she's silly. Always trying to kiss my face and cuddle me. Doesn't she know I have things to do? I also enjoy hanging out in my exersaucer and eating the various toys attached to it. Although the spinning thing angers me from time to time and I have to tell it where to go. I also enjoy when Mommy says "MOO" in a deep cow voice. She thinks it is because I am a baby and am easily amused... really it is because she sounds so ridiculous doing it and makes a fool of herself. That is what really pleases me. Another of my favorite activities these days is sitting with Daddy on the computer. I like to watch the screen and hit the keyboard. Mommy is worried I am going to turn into a computer nerd like Daddy. I like to keep her guessing. Well, I am going to wake up from my nap and eat in a moment and then Mommy and I are going for a walk. (Yes, I am sleeping. I dictated this post to Mommy earlier and she is typing it on my behalf.) I am having Mommy include a picture of me in my exersaucer earlier this week. I express my joy by drooling as you can see.