Saturday, February 17, 2007

What a day, busy, busy, busy.

Today was a busy day. After my morning cereal, Mommy strapped me into the snuggly and off we went to meet Daddy at Granville & Broadway. I was a good boy and decided to sleep on the bus. We met up with Daddy and went downtown to the tattoo shop to drop off some artwork. Mommy loves me so much she is getting my name tattooed on her! We did some shopping downtown and everyone thought I was the cutest baby they'd ever seen - as per usual.

Last night my new highchair arrived! There is a picture of me sitting in it for your enjoyment. I think I have what it takes to be a highchair model. I ate in it last night for the first time, it was goodtimes.

Last night I decided I did not want to sleep in my crib (I rarely do, it is lonely). I slept with Mommy and gave her a good arm thrashing from about 5am on. (I keep my eyes shut and pretend I am doing it in my sleep. Tricky.) I'm off to get a fresh diaper and then drool, so I'll talk to you later. Lata!