Saturday, February 24, 2007

Yams are Yummy!

So today I was up at 5:30am. It is now 8:00 and I think I will take a well deserved 2 hour nap shortly. I have accomplished my goal of making sure Mommy & Daddy are wide awake and can not go back to sleep. Now I can rest peacefully knowing I have done my job well.

On to the big news of the weekend. Yesterday I delved deeper into the world of big people food. For 2.5 weeks I have been eating rice cereal. While I have found it quite enjoyable, I had this feeling that there was something more out there... something I was missing... and then yesterday Mommy made me some yams. She steamed them and mashed them. They were bright orange! I assumed it would be rice cereal yet again, so made a bit of a shocked face when the yams hit my tongue. Turns out they are quite yummy. Mommy wouldn't let me eat too many though since I have never had them before. Word around here is if I am a good boy and eat my veggies one day soon Mommy will make me some apple sauce. That sounds like some good stuff!!

I also have it on good authority that my best buddy Khai will be getting a blog of his very own soon. I can not wait. Us baby's need an outlet just like the rest of you.

Final piece of news for today, is that I have met a wonderful new stuffed animal friend. My big orange kitty. His name is Tubsy McWhiskerson and he has wonderful whiskers on his face that I caress lovingly while sitting in my chair. He is such a good kitty.

Today's picture was taken only moments ago. It is me watching Baby Einstein's Numbers Nursery. I felt as though there are enough pictures of me in my high chair lately, and a picture of me eating yams would just not be quite as pleasing as this one.