Tee-tee and Co-wee!
My very favorite treat? Candy corn.
I'm not sure how it first happened that I was given a piece of candy corn. Mommy or Daddy probably felt overcome with Halloween spirit one day and decided to allow me a taste of the delicious orange and yellow candy. Ever since I have woken each morning begging for "Co-wee!" Fallen asleep each night murmuring "Cooo-weeee"....
Okay, this is a bit of an exaggeration. Sometimes I wake up calling for "I-seem". (Ice cream). Thought it is very rare that I get either of these treats.
Enter toilet training. Grandma decided to start showing me where poopies and tee tee go. (Tee tee being pee pee of course.) Mommy decided to follow suit. Now they have me dumping poopies from my diaper into the toilet and sitting on the toilet pushing as hard as I can with promises of a Co-wee for tee-tees. The last couple of days I have managed to do some tee-tees in the potty. No poopies yet, but I'm trying pretty hard. That co-wee is a great motivator.
As we speak I am savouring today's hard earned Co-wee. Unfortunately my Mommy does not yet have a good picture of me on the potty like Zach's Mommy, but rest assured I'm sure one is on the way...