Saturday, March 29, 2008

18 Months

Today I am 18 months old! That is a whole year and a half! I'm pretty sure that also means I'm going to have to go to the Dr.'s again soon and get some more shots :( I felt today would be a fitting occasion to check in and bring everyone up to speed on me. I've been sick. Daddy's been sick. Mommy's been sick. I had a cold, a cough like a barking dog, a fever, and then an ear infection. Yesterday I finished all of my medicine and aside from a bit of a cough I'm pretty much all better.

Last week my second to last canine poked through. Now I have 15 teeth! Only one more to go and then I'm all set until the rest of the molars decide to come.

When I haven't been sick and grumpy I've been spending the past couple weeks playing at the park & making friends, practicing my Wiggles dances in preparation for the big concert, driving my cars, giving Mommy & Daddy high fives and playing video games on my new V-Smile. I also went to the beach with Daddy, Uncle Tony and Auntie Veronica. That was lots of fun :)

It's time for me to take a nap, so I'll leave you with a few random pictures from the past couple weeks.

Chillin' on the couch feeling yucky

Getting angry when my cars don't do what I tell them to

Being silly with Mommy

And some more silly...

Feeling all better hanging out at the beach!

Today on the balcony playing in the sun